"Hello. This is Silkroad Online. There are users at the moment that are not able to connect to Silkroad Online. We have posted this previously in the Forum in the subforum "General Technical Issues/Bug Reports". If you cannot connect to the game, please try the following steps:
1. Go to path C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ and open filename 'hosts' with notepad.
2. Erase the previous localhost and gwgt1.joymax.com entries and enter the following information in the opened file, 'hosts': localhost gwgt1.joymax.com
3. Reboot computer, and try running Silkroad Online again. "
Если силка не пашет то надо открыть C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts в блокноте и добавить строчку gwgt1.joymax.com